Monday, June 9, 2008

Johnny Law

"We are calling to schedule an audit"... Now these 7 little words have struck fear in my heart. Seems I am required by the workers comp insurance agency to have my payroll books audited. Who knew? There is just so much of this being a small business owner that I call "you don't know what you don't know".. I have a great CPA that I believe keeps me out of trouble and emails often to remind me to file things. I'm hoping I can talk her into coming and holding my hand through this.

Since everything about starting this business has cost way more than I anticipated, I attempt to tackle and absorb as much of the cost items as I can. So have learned to do payroll, and handle all the fed, state, and anyone else that has their hands in my pocket daily myself. But it is quite a daunting task, particularly since I have another full time "real job". I do the best I can, but I somehow don't think any of the government agencies are interested in how hard you have tried and pleading ignorance I doubt will carry much weight with them, nor flashing these baby blue eyes of mine at them.

So I have 3 days to get the 100 point check list together for The Company to come out and audit. I know I have not intentionally done anything illegal, but then I'm one of these people that hasn't opened a bank statement in 30 years!!! I was a math whiz, but bookkeeping is a whole nuther animal. It's so tedious and boring and I can find a million things to do to procrastinate doing it.

But its 3 days and counting and I don't look good in stripes (The What Not to Wear folks claim no one does), although I think Orange Jumpsuits are the current fashion, so I better get busy and get those ducks in a row. It's always something isn't it?


Anonymous said...

Am trying to leave you a note. Will see if this one gets through. Testing, Testing............

Anonymous said...

Debra, I have so much fun reading what you right. Have told you forever, YOU NEED TO RIGHT A BOOK. You express yourself in a way that makes me laugh so hard. Love you, bonnie

North Georgia Gal said...

Jeez Gal,

Between the kittie crisis and now this, it's a wonder you have hair!!!

Hoping all of this goes well..Ethel on the mend and I know what you mean about being leery of anything out of the ordinary when the government contacts you.. Last month, Cap'n Steve walked back from the mailbox here at the cabin and said he had something for me.. since I typically get all mail at the PO Box, first words from my mouth were - Is it the IRS as my heart was sinking... luckily it was just a mother's day card from Chris..

Love your blogging - how are you liking it?