Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Uncle Sammy, Why are you so pissed at me?

I think I'm a good American. I obey the laws (most all of them anyway). I love my country, although having some pains with the current economy and the price at the pump. Have done a bit of foreign travel, and although exciting, is always great to come home. My poor little coffee shop gives discounts to military, police, fire, ems, and am sure would pony up for the boy scouts if they show up in uniform.

Lately, I feel like I have somehow angered Big Unc. Have spent a year with the courts and my x-renter, my upcoming audit with the Workers Comp division, and now, if not insult to injury, I went to my mailbox today, and what do I find?

A nasty gram from the Postmaster.. Seems as though my "mailbox needs attention".. or he will NO longer deliver my mail. Boxes checked are:

1. Box must be located so carrier can serve it without leaving vehicle... yes, God forbid, he have to get his fat ass out of the truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. The approach to your box should be cleared of obstacles, (of which he has penned, "Tree needs to be trimmed back") Now where does Mr. Postman get the authority to be on bush patrol?

Now I agree it is a bit overgrown at the front of my house. The bushes have all turned to trees. I will probably have to locate someone with a bucket truck to do the job. I've been meaning to do this, but honestly, it just hasn't rolled to the top of my long long list.

A quick google produced the postal "code" . Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. I guess this doesn't apply to tall bushes!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a break and Get off my ASS! I am hopeful one day to be able to receive all of my junk mail via email and we will see how Big Unc likes that.

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