Sunday, June 8, 2008

Poor Sugar Bear

I have 2 kitties. well, I guess technically, they are just big ole cats now. It's a shame they have to grow up, as there is just nothing cuter than a kitten. They are litermates, Lucy and Ethel and are inside/outside cats. Ethel is a Manx (of the no tail variety as her mother was). Lucy has a tail (guess who's your daddy must have had a tail, but I'm not really sure how cat genetics work). But they seem to have become the object of my affection. I've always been an animal lover, but had many years of being without them due to my road warrior traveling. These two seem to have taken over my life now and it is amazing how many times they feel a need to go in and out and out and in the house during the course of a day. And being a slave to them, I always oblige. Ethel is quite the Momma's girl and mostly pretends to be a housecat.

When I got home last night, Ethel was pretty sick and behaved injured. If you tried to pick her up, loud cat wails erupted. I didn't see any visual evidence of anything amis, but she appeared to be in alot of pain. Now why is it that children and animals can NOT get sick during regular office hours?? So, 11PM and I am off to the Animal ER. It's $85 just to walk in and sign your name to the clipboard. 2 bloodtests and $320 later, the scholared Vet has no clue as to the problem. The bloodwork showed nothing. So my options were pain meds; or a series of body scans.. Well, I opted to start with the pain meds. My normal method of problem resolution is to start simple with the solution and hope for some luck.

She seems to be responding to the pain meds (or masking the problem).. at least she is eating today. I haven't tried to pick her up. I think I'll let her work into that. I'm monitoring the situation though for another late night Vet excursion. If you come back within 48 hours, you don't have to pay another $85. What a deal. Wish I could get some of that action.

Guess I need a bigger couch

Lucy at Halloween

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